Will I benefit from a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, or do I need a full body cleanse?

Most people recognize the fact that they live in a toxic environment. What they may not realize, however, is exactly how profoundly that environment is affecting their health. Perhaps you have been suffering from some of the symptoms of toxicity and simply consider it to be the side effect of living a busy life or perhaps from stress. The fact of the matter is, however, toxins do affect you and regardless of where you are getting them, they can cause problems such as fatigue, brain fog, cravings and depression, and those are only some of the many issues that can be involved.

One of the common questions that many people ask is if it is necessary to do a full body cleanse or if they will benefit by simply cleansing a single part of the body, such as the liver or the colon. There is no doubt that when you look at the cleansing programs that are available on the shelves at your local health food store, you will see that there are many options but not all of them are going to provide the healing and the extreme benefits that you desire. Why is that the case?

Toxicity Involves the Entire Body

ffa2b80c smush medicleanse e1394546810311The toxins in the world around us come from many different sources. For example, you are likely already aware of the pollution that is in the outdoors that comes from industry, automobiles and many other factors. Those types of toxins permeate the world around us, affecting the water that we drink, the air that we breathe and even the soil where we grow our food.

What you may not be aware of is exactly how toxic our everyday environment, including the environment in our home happens to be. There are so many different types of toxins that can invade the home and in many cases, the air that we are breathing indoors is just as polluted, or even more polluted, than what we breathe outdoors. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and offgassing from the materials used to build our home, the carpet under our feet and the paint on our walls are a serious problem. Many homes also contain levels of mold and mildew that can be harmful to our health as well.

Since we are exposed to these toxins at all times, it is little wonder that they have an effect on the human body. When they enter the body, regardless of whether it is through our lungs, our skin or our digestive system, the toxic load is not going to limit itself to one particular area of the body. Although it is true that the liver and colon are certainly affected by the toxins, so is our brain, our heart, our kidneys and every single cell in the human body.

You might also be surprised to learn the role that are fat cells plays in toxicity. Toxin is effectively stored in the fat and our body does so until a time that it is able to care for the toxin and remove it from the body permanently. Unfortunately, we rarely ever give our body the opportunity to take care of it. As a result, our body continues to produce more and more fat cells to dilute the toxic overload and prevent us from getting sick. It is seen in the epidemic of obesity in the world around us and is the cause of many health problems, from high blood pressure to arthritis and even an increased risk for strokes and heart attacks.

Is It Beneficial to Clean the Liver and Colon?

Targeting specific organs in the body, such as the liver and colon and cleansing them directly is going to have a positive effect on your health. It is likely that you will feel better, have more energy and less brain fog. Unfortunately, if you target a specific part of the body through a detox program, you’re not really removing the toxins from the body. They still exist in other areas and targeting those specific parts of the body is a shortsighted measure which will eventually result in the same symptoms recurring at a rapid pace.

The way for you to truly remove toxins from the body and to enjoy the benefits that it provides is through a complete detox program. Our 21 day body makeover provides you with the benefits that you desire, including improved energy, sound sleep and an accelerated loss of body fat. Contact us today for more information about how the 21 day body makeover can help you.