Last time, we talked about how the keto diet is perfect for maximizing your weight loss when doing a full body cleanse. We also mentioned how a lot of people go on this diet because you can technically eat some fast food and still be okay!

However, if you’re in this for your health and not just a hot bod, you need to learn how to correctly do keto. Here are 5 easy but very important steps you need to do to get the max health benefits of the ketogenic diet.


Step 1: Wean yourself off of carbs gradually

One of the drawbacks of going on a keto diet is the “carb flu”. This is similar to a caffeine crash where you feel irritable, tired, foggy, and maybe have a slight headache.

Because your body is so used to converting carbs to sugar and using that for energy, it’ll take a week or so to get accustomed to using fat. This is why it’s a good idea to start maybe a couple of weeks ahead before officially starting your keto diet.

Cut down your carb intake little by little until you reach the ideal ratio for keto. This way, your “carb flu” won’t be severe or maybe not even happen at all!


Step 2: Stock your shelves with healthy keto-friendly food

People mistake the fact that the keto diet uses fat for energy as a “free for all” signal to eat whatever kind of fat they can get their hands on. While they can technically eat deep fried chicken wings and bacon-wrapped hotdog and still lose weight according to this diet, it’s really bad for overall health.

This is why it’s best to stock your fridge and pantry with food that are rich in good fat. Things like macadamia nuts and walnuts, olive and coconut oil, avocados, and salmon should always be within your reach.


Step 3: Map out your eating outside

If you leave your hunger up to chance, you’ll end up passing by drive-thrus and filling your body with toxin-rich food. Sure, you’ll still lose weight but your organs will suffer.

Consuming unhealthy fat while on the keto diet is like having a really nice car with a busted old engine. That’s why you need to map out where you’re eating when you’re not at home.

If you don’t have time to pack a lunch to work, take a weekend to identify nearby restaurants that have good fat on their menu. You can even mark the healthy keto-friendly items on your favorite restaurant’s menu.


Step 4: Hydrate and eat greens!

Staying hydrated is important for everyday life. It helps flush out toxins and replenish your cells to make them maintain their functionality Your body also needs water to keep your temperature level, to flush out waste, and to keep your joints from being squeaky.

Sometimes, people get scared of drinking “too much” water when on a diet because it affects their weight. You’ll only gain “water weight” if you eat too much salt, which makes you retain water more.

In the keto diet, your salt intake is limited so there’s little chance of tipping the scales just because you drank water. In fact, you can try infused water to really pack on the vitamins while doing keto.

Another thing that people misunderstand about this wonder diet is its relationship with vegetables. A lot of veggies are carbs, especially root crops like potatoes, yams, and carrots. However, you can eat green leafy vegetables and low-carb ones like broccoli. They’re super nutritious – you’ll be leaving a huge hole in your diet if you omit them.


Step 5: Exercise!

This isn’t even keto-specific. Getting enough exercise is the basics when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Sure, most people go on diets because they want to avoid exercising. While you can still lose weight like this, you’re not reaping the whole benefit of the diet!

By doing simple workouts like power walking for half an hour a day, you’ll help your body get rid of toxins via sweat. You’ll boost the weight loss effects of ketosis, get lots more energy, and even build muscles to contribute to fat-burning!


Since you’re starting on a fitness journey with keto, why not go all out and make this a move for better health? Empty your body of all the bad stuff using our 21-day full body and organs cleanse. This way, you’ll be in great shape both outside and in!

In our program, you’ll get a top-quality, well-rounded package you won’t find anywhere else! That’s 30 days’ worth of professional-grade supplements, 10 easy-to-follow exercise videos, 2 fitness ebooks, video and digital healthy meal recipes, and access to expert support 7 days a week!

Related Topic: Supercharge Your Cleanse with the Keto Diet!

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