coconut 1501334 640Popular SSRI pharmaceuticals, like Paxil and Prozac, are not the only way to battle depression. While pharmaceutical antidepressants are rampantly prescribed, natural solutions, like coconut oil, can be just as effective without the nasty side effects.
A recent study in Malaysia looked at the effects of a diet high in virgin coconut oil and its effects on mental health. This study is the first of it’s kind, looking at the effects of coconut oil on mice with stress-induced injuries. When evaluating, the study looked at coconut oil’s anti-stress and antioxidant effects.

Effects of Coconut Oil on Stress

The researchers performed stress tests on several groups of mice, using coconut oil versus the psychiatrically prescribed drug Diazepam. The study results suggested that high-quality virgin coconut oil rivals the effects of Diazepam on stressed-out mice. The high antioxidant content mixed with saturated fats and medium chain fatty acids, which are good for the brain, makes CO so effective at battling stress.
Higher quality oil has more of these benefits than highly processed coconut oil.
While pharmaceutical antidepressants work by increasing the neurotransmitter serotonin, coconut oil works through different pathways by supporting the brain with fatty nutrients that tame inflammation. Other studies have shown coconut oil to be effective at preventing Alzheimer’s.

Increase in Energy

Coconut oil has added benefits to its effect on anxiety and depression. It also increases energy production.
An interesting test then follows a forced swim test for the mice. The researchers recorded longer immobility times from the stressed mice that were not treated with coconut oil after swimming versus those that were treated with it. Medium chain fatty acids are thought to be responsible for increasing the production of heat and energy in the body.

Eliminating Free Radicals

Coconut oil really seems to outperform Diazepam in the area of oxidation and the elimination of free radicals. Stress is known to increase oxidation and create free radicals, which leads to neuron damage and death. Antioxidants, on the other hand, do the opposite in helping prevent neuron damage. These antioxidants help decrease inflammation. Most likely attributed to the polyphenols and medium chain fatty acids in the virgin coconut oil.

VCO vs. Regular CO

So what’s the difference between virgin and regular coconut oil? Press fresh, raw coconut without adding chemicals. You get virgin coconut oil. This is called “wet-milling”. This process extracts oil from fresh coconut meal without drying first. The coconut milk is first expressed by pressing it out of the wet coconut meat. Then, separate the oil from water.
Psychiatrist Kelly Brogan suggests that the efficacy of SSRIs and anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals work mostly due to their placebo effect and may only have 10 percent efficacy chemically. The mind is extremely powerful, and the expectation of relief of symptoms may be responsible for the efficacy of pharmaceutical treatments. She also points out that there have been no medical studies in humans to validate the theory that low serotonin causes depression.

Inflammation and Depression

In Dr. Brogan’s opinion, it’s inflammation in the brain that’s responsible for depression symptoms. The likely causes of brain inflammation are excessive sugary food and drinks, food intolerances (gluten, dairy, corn or soy) or conditions like autoimmunity.
Before going on antidepressants, Dr. Brogan suggests a 30-day dietary overhaul that mirrors the food list of the 21-Day Body Makeover. She suggests giving up processed sugar, corn, soy, grains/gluten, dairy, and legumes. And if that doesn’t help, taking out eggs, nightshades, and nuts.
Dr. Brogan also suggests using coconut oil to combat inflammation by introducing 1 to 2 tablespoons to start with. Virgin coconut oil can provide fuel to an inflamed brain. Do you know what happens when sugar is out of balance? The brain can’t make energy because it doesn’t have enough nutrients. Coconut oil provides quick, easy to digest fuel. Read more about Dr. Brogan’s findings here:
The 21-Day Body Makeover includes many anti-inflammatory herbs in its supplements such as green tea and turmeric. Customers can also find our recommendations on how to use coconut oil in cleanse instructions.